
StormForge Chosen as Gartner Cool Vendor in Container Management

By Rod Squires, CEO | Aug 10, 2023

I am proud to announce that StormForge has been named a Gartner Cool Vendor in Container Management! This is an incredible honor for the entire StormForge team. 

Each year, Gartner reviews start ups and highlights solutions that are innovative, disruptive, and transformative to enterprises. To be included on the final list of just 5 start ups in the Container Management space is a testament to the power of the technology that StormForge has been building. 

The adoption of container technology has taken the enterprise by storm. What seems like the most efficient way to manage workloads from a cost and operations standpoint, can actually be incredibly challenging, and if set up poorly, more expensive. With growing container adoption comes the need for container management platforms and expertise that you may not have the dev bandwidth for internally. StormForge can help with that.

The StormForge team has been focusing our efforts on ensuring our Optimize Live SaaS offering is best-in-class for our current and future customers running on Kubernetes. We are always looking for new ways to make deploying and managing Kubernetes easier and more efficient with the assistance of machine learning. 

Just getting visibility into your Kubernetes inefficiencies, whether overprovisioned or underprovisioned, isn’t enough. With StormForge, we not only take a comprehensive approach and provide recommendations for how to optimize your environment, but also provide the ability to manually or automatically apply those changes too. Gone are the days of set once and manually update forever. Your environment is always fluctuating, and our machine learning provides continuous rightsizing recommendations based on your actual demand, so that you can set it and forget it.

It is very encouraging to see the technology StormForge brings to the table be recognized by industry experts. We greatly appreciate being included in this report. 

To try out Optimize Live for yourself, sign up for a free 30-day trial of the full product on 1 cluster at

Gartner subscribers can download the full report via the Gartner website.

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