These Support Services Terms describe the Support Services which current, compliant subscribers of Support Services are entitled to receive pursuant to the governing agreement between StormForge (“StormForge”) and Customer (“Agreement”). These Support Services Terms form an integral part of, and are incorporated by reference into, the Agreement. Capitalized terms used in these Support Services Terms without definition have the meaning as set forth in the Agreement.
“Issue” - means a malfunction in the StormForge Product that can be duplicated by StormForge that materially degrades the use or performance of Customer’s business system to which the StormForge Product is installed (“Business System”) or the use of the StormForge Product.
“Fix” - means the repair, removal, or replacement of code in the StormForge Product or a workaround to address or remedy an Issue.
“Priority 1 Issue” - means an Issue that renders the StormForge Product critically inoperative or critically degraded, and/or critically impacts the Business System, such that: (i) the Business System’s production system is critically impaired or completely shut down, or (ii) the Business System’s system operations or mission critical applications are down.
“Priority 2 Issue” - means an Issue that significantly degrades StormForge Product performance with respect to the Business System.
“Priority 3 Issue” - means an Issue that affects Customer’s use of the StormForge Product, but does not critically or significantly degrade the StormForge Product’s performance with respect to the Business System.
“Priority 4 Issue” - means the StormForge Product is operating as expected but Customer has general questions or feature requests.
“StormForge Product” - means the eligible StormForge software or offering licensed by StormForge listed herein.
“Technical Contact” - means a Customer employee technically familiar and competent with Customer’s systems (including the Business System), infrastructure and use of the StormForge Product, who: (i) has “read, write and execute” access to the necessary files, English language communication skills and relevant technical knowledge; and (ii) is the designated Customer contact to receive Support Services, and to resolve Customer technical Issues related to the StormForge Product.
“Update” - means subsequent releases of the StormForge Product that are generally made available by StormForge to its customers using the StormForge Product as part of Support Services at no additional charge. Updates may include updated code to accommodate changes in applicable industry standards. Updates shall not include any releases, enhancements, functionality or products which StormForge licenses separately or provides at a fee separate from the Support Services fee. Updates are delivered only on an as if and when available basis.
Subject to the terms of these Support Services Terms (which includes the table set forth below) for the respective StormForge Product, and the other terms of the Agreement (including, without limitation, Customer’s payment of the applicable Support Services fees to StormForge), StormForge will provide Customer with the Support Services described herein for the applicable StormForge Product, exclusive of any integration Issues between the StormForge Product and applicable Third Party Software. Customer shall designate the permitted number of Technical Contacts who are responsible for resolving user Issues, and only such Technical Contacts may contact StormForge for the provision of Support Services.
StormForge will periodically, and in its sole discretion, provide Customer with Fixes to Issues and Updates to StormForge Product. For software-as-a-service offerings, StormForge will automatically implement and maintain all updates and upgrades and Customer will always be maintained on the most recent release, unless otherwise designated by StormForge. Support and maintenance for on-premises StormForge Products are subject to StormForge’s then current support lifecycles for the respective StormForge Product.
Customer and its Technical Contacts shall: (i) make reasonable efforts to resolve Customer Issues or identify Issues as relating to the StormForge Product prior to contacting StormForge for Support Services; and (ii) provide StormForge with sufficient information and resources to address the Issue, and access to the personnel, hardware, and any additional software as reasonably necessary to enable StormForge to reproduce, analyze and address the Issue.
StormForge is not obligated to provide Support Services when: (i) the StormForge Product has been changed, modified or damaged, which includes, but is not limited to, any code or workflows developed by Customer; (ii) the Issue is caused by Customer’s negligence, misuse of software or hardware, hardware or network malfunction, or other causes other than the StormForge Product; (iii) the Issue is caused by hardware, third party software, infrastructure, or non-StormForge applications or platforms; or (iv) the version of the StormForge Product is not a currently supported version, per the support lifecycle policy for each respective StormForge Product. Support Services excludes anything not set forth in these Support Services Terms, and specifically excludes support of any hardware or any software other than the StormForge Product, including without limitation, any integration with Third Party Software or non-StormForge applications or platforms. StormForge may in its sole discretion, but is not obligated to, develop any enhancements or feature requests to address Priority 4 Issues.
StormForge reserves the right to change these Support Services and Maintenance Terms at any time; provided however, that any such changes which occur during the then-current Support Services term for which Customer has paid fees to StormForge, will not materially diminish the Support Services to be provided during the remainder of such Support Services term. It is your responsibility to check these Support Services and Maintenance Terms periodically for changes. By continuing to use the Support Services, you are indicating your acceptance of such changes.
The below SLA applies to all StormForge SaaS licensed customers and self-managed StormForge licensed customers. Initial Response Times refers to the time elapsed between StormForge’s receipt of a reported Issue and the time when StormForge support staff responds to such a request.
Subject to these Support Services Terms, StormForge will make reasonable efforts to resolve your Issues in a timely manner. However, SLA commitments below are for initial response and no commitments are made for a time to resolution.
Initial Response Times | |
Business Hours | Monday to Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST |
Engagement Type | Email and Customer Service Solution |
Priority 1 Issue (P1) | Within 4 Business Hours |
Priority 2 Issue (P2) | Within 8 Business Hours |
Priority 3 Issue (P3) | Within 1 Business Day |
Priority 4 Issue (P4) | Within 2 Business Days |
Requests for support must be sent to StormForge Support by email to In the subject or body of the email, Customer shall list Customer’s estimation of the priority level (i.e. “P1”, “P2”, etc). Any Issue without a priority associated with it is logged as a “P3”. Upon review of the Issue, StormForge may recategorize the priority level if StormForge determines that it was incorrectly specified. Customer shall include a description of the issue and any relevant information including logs, screenshots, etc. to enable StormForge staff to reproduce, and analyze the issue. StormForge shall have no obligation hereunder (including with regards to any SLA commitment hereunder) for any request for support that does not include the necessary information as specified above.
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